Un proyecto es una planificación que consiste en un conjunto de actividades que se encuentran interrelacionadas y coordinadas; la razón de un proyecto es alcanzar objetivos específicos dentro de los límites que imponen un presupuesto, calidades establecidas previamente y un lapso de tiempo previamente definidos. La gestión de proyectos es la aplicación de conocimientos, habilidades, herramientas y técnicas a las actividades de un proyecto para satisfacer los requisitos del proyecto.
Un proyecto es un emprendimiento que tiene lugar durante un tiempo limitado, y que apunta a lograr un resultado único. Surge como respuesta a una necesidad, acorde con la visión de la organización, aunque ésta puede desviarse en función del interés. El proyecto finaliza cuando se obtiene el resultado deseado, desaparece la necesidad inicial, o se agotan los recursos disponibles.
Competencia: identificar y analizar los rasgos que caracterizan la vida en la esc. secundaria.
Proposito: distinguir la influencia que ejerce el contexto social y cultural en la esc. secundaria y el trabajo docente.
* Write its meaning in spanish
♦ alumno_ student
♦ maestro_ teacher
♦ silla_ chair
♦ libro_ book
♦ libreta_ notebook
♦ lapiz_ pencil
♦ dirección_ direction
♦ pista_ clue
♦ salón_ classroom
♦ lupa_ loupe
♦ gabardina_ gabardine
♦ botas_ boots
♦ periodico_ newspaper
♦ pipa_ pipe
♦ gorro_ cap
♦ lentes_ glass
♦ fotografia_ photograpgy
ACIVIDAD. realiza el siguiente gato con imagenes de detectives.
It is for planning, organizing and evaluating DIRECTOR. Decision making. academic, educational assistance, administrative and supplies. Operatively covers Assistant director with "collaboration" - DEPUTY functions. same functions. formal responsibilities of the director, operating intermediary. Provide class as the Managers from teaching plan and program of studies, PROFESSORS. in the classroom. attention to student performance of assigned committees. Watch the order, controls the Prefect responsible for maintaining the order of groups and reports on student orientation. or social work cases of "misconduct." Talk to the students sent serves the doubts among the prefect or other counselors students regarding their teachers, held a brief study. scoring record in a notebook of "behavioral report." Teachers appointed by the In charge of a group director for deal addresses the particular needs or a group from group counseling. problems of their group. who teaches. They are responsible for monitoring the use and behavior of their group. Management support for technical advice. Support management in their planning, scheduling, evaluation and educational needs. reorient the educational activities of the school. Performs secretarial support and record keeping track Enforcement Student scores and CONTROLLER. of students. various formalities. Mayor and kept clean the facility. Maintain cleanliness and monitoring of candles. school. Support through the "Cooperative. Source of revenue to school. assimilation theory and experimental practice. "
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